Giddy Up Cowboys (and Girls)!

We celebrated the boys' birthday this weekend.  Seth is now 5 and Colin is 3 (or free if you listen to him).  It was a cowboy birthday complete with authentic apparel.  Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate. 

This was on their actual birthday (Friday).  We had a birthday chosen by the boys - pizza and yogurt, and opened presents.

"Real" cowboy clothes!

Apparently the sunglasses bring out their inner gangsta.  They did this pose completely on their own.  Seth has asked for sunglasses for his birthday since...well, his last birthday.  I love that at least for now, his gift requests are simple pleasures.

The Spread... BBQ of course

The Peanut Gallery  Our dear friends

Pete treated the kids to "pony" rides (Pete's the horse...not the husband)

A true friend is one who lets you lasso him

Cowboy Cuteness

I stole this picture from Amber.  It proves I own boots of my own.  And aren't those sisters cute?

Thanks Grandma for matching the party theme!  Isn't she pretty?!

It's rare to get a genuine smile from Colin when there's a camera around.  I have a feeling this one was courtesy of some tickling.

It was a fun day spent with good friends and family.  I, like most moms, get teary on
this day thinking of what a gift my children are to me.  It's fun to make them feel special with balloons and presents and copious amounts of sugar.  But more than any of that I feel like the recipient of the best gift of all...getting to mother these boys through another year of life. 

Happy Birthday Boys!  We love you!

Here's the look-back on last year for those who like that sort of thing. 

Most of the picture credit goes to Katie.  Thanks for sharing.

2 Response to "Giddy Up Cowboys (and Girls)!"

  1. The McKean Family Says:

    What a cute party and I love your boots! You look so adorable! Wish we lived closer we could have celebration for Ella's b-day too. Miss you tons and we really need to get a girls weekend on the calendar with you!!! :)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Dave and i are both in the proses of making wooden presents for the boys. At the rate we are going it is going to take till their next birthday but more like a few months. We would like to come over and visit and give them to the boys or if you like we can give them to you and you can give them as presents whatever you would like. I guess I will contact you when we get them done. We love you guys even though we have not seen you face to face in a while (we still drive past your house about once a week for our weekly ride in the country -promise we are not stocking you) -spring